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Fix My Home SA

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Let’s Give Your Home a Facelift with Our Interior and Exterior Painting Services in Pretoria

It’s funny how so many people think that painting a house, or any building for that matter, is a job that doesn’t worth hiring the professional painters for. The thing is that this is a HUGE mistake. This is because if you give this another thought, you will realize soon that painting a whole building, in fact, requires a professional painting service. Besides, using the service of professional painting company comes with a lot of advantages such as a relaxed environment, quality work and insured painters.

And the best part is that professional painters like us are well trained and experienced to properly deal with any form of painting problem that may arise while painting. They know exactly when to either power wash an exterior or when to fill a tiny hole with caulk. And what’s more, they are always happy to answer any of your questions relating to painting.

Also, professional painting companies continuously examine their work, so they could provide you with the quality you expect.

So, I’ll like to quickly walk you through each of our painting services.

Residential Painting

See, your home it’s, in fact, more than just a place to put down your head or store up your items and properties. It should be both an expression of your own unique personality and an extension of you. How you choose to paint your home is the perfect opportunity for you to show the world your creative side. And the use of the right color scheme can also lead to a more pleasant feeling within the home.

You could choose to paint your home with bright colors or go for a more neutral and calming atmosphere. We at, Fix my home SA are here to facilitate that for you and help you every step of the way. If you entrust your painting needs to us, we assure you that we will provide a service second to none


Commercial Painting

Finding and hiring professional commercial painting services, especially those who truly can meet your requirements and completely understand the need for your office or company’s edifice, can be sometimes a difficult task. Sometimes, you could search, bargain and then select. Yet, in the end, conflict occurs probably because of a delay and substandard painting work.

This kind of situation is mostly the same when most people plan to give their office, warehouse, manufacturing plant, or any other commercial building a new look. Especially when you think you could get the desired outcome by using an inexperienced and non-professional painter.

At Fix my home SA, we use a commercial painting contractor that has state of the art technology which assures you modern and world-class painting standards in our results. This is because of the experience and skilled team of professional painters we have. We have quality brewed in our work which enhances the aesthetics and appearance of your office or business building.

Industrial Painting

Unlike other painting contractors who majorly work on houses and some large buildings, Industrial Painting Companies, on the other hand, work on a large scale, painting varieties of structures like factories, silos, power plants, storage tanks, and assembly plants.

We often use various methods in painting to make sure that the best results are achieved. Unlike most usual painting services, we have to prepare and layout different layers of paints to attain the best quality, usually with tools save for brushes or rollers.

As a good industrial painting company, we understand that preparation is very essential for a long-lasting effect. Buildings that are yet to be painted are easier to paint as these previous paints usually need to be scraped off before commencing the new painting job.

We at Fix my home SA offer a wide variety of industrial painting services to quickly prevent or correct safety concerns as they come up. Also, our service extensively focuses on safety to ensure everyone on a worksite goes home unharmed at the end of the day - both our employees and yours. We also ensure that your facility is clean and safe.

Interior Painting

Here’s why interior painting is interesting. It is done to bring out the beauties of the inside of your home or office. This is basically to express all the beauties of the home as much as possible. Years ago, there are just a few colors that were available in the market. But today, thanks to improvement in technology, we now have a means in which various colors of paints can be mixed to produce new and different ones. Which is why you should hire a professional painting service.

The truth is that most people consider painting as a very simple job. But the true nature of painting is that it also requires a lot of labor plus time.

We have different types of paints, some are good for walls, some for the furniture, while some for the ceiling. In this case, we will help you figure this part out. To make a good painting, certain things are required. These are often used by professional painting services. Like brushes, ladder, tape, painting, sandpaper. We also assure you that your furniture while we paint your home would be left clean and safe.


Exterior Painting

Now, exterior painting isn’t just some sort of random painting for the outside of your home. Professional painting contractors will not just stop at simply focusing on the painting project. There are some crucial aspects that need to be taken into account tool.

Such as should there be a need for caulking to be replaced somewhere around the building’s exterior, the contractor should get it done when the building is being prepped. Caulk is used to seal small holes around points of intersection of various building materials like windows, jambs, and others.

A good and professional exterior painting service should ensure that your home is sealed from unwanted elements. Without this seal, your building will run the risk water seeping into the house. Water, moisture and mildew are a building’s worst nightmare and could breed much bigger problems in just a short period of time, leading to costly repairs down the road. A professional painter company does not only know and understand this but also take it upon itself that your house is protected. So if your house is in need of exterior painting, it isn’t a job that you would just put off on your to-do list. But given to a professional to handle.

Painting Companies

Look, if you’ve always been thinking that painting is a simple affair, you have not been more wrong. Painting your entire residential building is not just time-consuming, but it’s also tedious and complicated. And if you really want to save your house or office from bad painting services, then you should hire a professional painting company in Pretoria.

Here's why I recommend employing the services of an expert who can make your home truly beautiful.

A professional painting company gives you a detailed and meticulous budget of the painting service. This budget will easily aid you in planning your expenses appropriately.

Also, a stunning painting service requires careful preparation. Unfortunately, amateur and inexperienced painters have no clue how to go about sound preparation. However, if you hire a professional painting company you will enjoy the rest of mind and love the end result.

Waterproofing Services

If you want your home to be beautiful and sturdy, you should attend to every possible maintenance problems straight away. Leaving problems such as water seepage and moisture unattended could lead to more expensive repairs in the future.

If you have water leakage in your basement or damp walls in your kitchen, do not leave it unattended. Rather, you should call a professional waterproofing contractor to help you to waterproof your home. Some homeowners often shy away from calling a waterproofing company simply because they are worried about the huge cost. But, the truth is that not every waterproofing project is expensive. Also, when you’re provided with an estimate, a waterproofing contractor usually does not have a one-size-fits-all approach. We usually put into consideration several factors before we provide you with an estimate for the project.

Damp Proofing

Your home or office needs to be constantly clean and comfortable. This is for hygienic purposes and for healthy living as well as higher productivity. However, when you have damps in the vicinity, your health can be harmfully impacted. Therefore, it is essential to call in a damp proofing expert as quickly as possible.

It is crucial to use the service of professional roofing contractors who understand the needs and can provide quick solutions when you have dampness in the premise. The expert you hire should be versed in the situation and place your interests as his or her priority. This is because damp and water openings can affect your health and productivity and could even worsen your equipment and furniture.

Then the proofing company you hire must have qualified and well-trained experts who are very skilled in detecting the source of dampness in your surroundings quickly and provide instant solutions to the problem.

Roof Painting

True. Almost all kinds of renovations and remodeling that is done to home come with a cost. However, you won’t because of this let any part of your home to decay. That is not the best alternative. Right? One of the important parts of your home that shouldn’t be left to decay is your roof. As your roof protects the inside of your home and its contents. And one way to keep your roof from decaying is repainting it.

And when you want to paint or repaint your roof, the job should not be left to the inexperienced. You need to find a professional roof painter who can meet both your needs and your budget.


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